What people think
Data Managers Course
"Really useful course to help understand how performance data is used in Schools and Colleges, delivered by knowledgeable and helpful presenters."
Post-16 LPUK Datadashboard
"We have used the Post-16 LPUK Datadashboard for several years now because it provides us with almost immediate feedback on the value-added performance of our students following the issue of their advanced level exam results in August."
Understanding the Ofsted Inspection Data Summary Report (IDSR) for 16-19 course
"Really useful course, lots of thought-provoking questions raised that I hadn't considered"
Centre Update
"Many thanks for the excellent analysis and in an amazing time!"
16-19 National Data Picture from a LPUK perspective course
"I found the course insightful and very useful. It equipped me with data for discussion points with our school leaders. It was run by an experienced and knowledgeable presenter who allowed opportunity for Q&A."
“The Datadashboard is a valuable tool in enabling us to analyse the attainment of our students and develop strategies to continue their improvement, both within individual academies and across the federation.”
New to Sixth Form Leadership course
"The one-to-one session was superb. Really helpful for Ofsted. When the other bits happen in person, I think this course will truly be an essential step for any sixth from leader."
"For the LA we are able to analyse and select the most appropriate data from the Post-16 LPUK Datadashboard. At school level it gives us a strategic management tool for the sixth form - we can see at a glance which areas are doing well and which are underperforming."
"Our data dashboard provides us with a unique set of data not currently available anywhere else. The data is highly relevant to the cohort of pupils at our school and will enable us to track their learning and development against their learning styles and specific SEN."
"The Learning Plus UK bespoke report has enabled us as a local authority to contextualise existing post-16 performance data, facilitating a comprehensive approach to strategic planning and project development."
"Maintaining an overview of trends in post-16 participation amongst Surrey resident young people, such as where learners travel to in order to study, ensures that we are able to effectively support our education and training providers to prepare for projected changes in demand."
Autumn CPD Event
"A hugely useful and informative event, with the invaluable opportunity to network with colleagues in similar positions nationally."
"We use the Datadashboard to gather evidence for our support and challenge meetings with heads of sixth in our local schools."
Summer CPD Event
"A professionally led, informative day with plenty of quality resources and time to network with other Heads of Sixth Form."
"The post 16 datadashboard is an extremely useful tool as it allows me to have well-structured challenge and support meetings with school sixth forms."
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Learning Plus UK
Holybrook House
63 Castle Street
T 07823 840021
E office@learningplusuk.org