
Throughout the academic year LPUK delivers online Training & CPD sessions to support your work with Post-16 students.

  • LPUK Post-16 Network: Online Training Sessions
  • New to Sixth Form Leadership: KS5 Performance Data (Schools)
  • Understanding 16-18 Accountability Measures
  • The Sixth Form and Preparing for Ofsted: Schools
  • 16-19 Study Programme and Preparing for Ofsted: FE Colleges
  • CPD sessions specific to your centre - Contact us to discuss your requirements

Book today to secure your place on our 2024-25 LPUK Online Post-16 Network and CPD Training Programme Sessions!

The LPUK Post-16 Network: Online Training Sessions 2024/25 Programme

New to Sixth Form Leadership: KS5 Performance Data

Understanding 16-18 Accountability Measures

The Sixth Form and Preparing for Ofsted: Schools

16-19 Study Programmes and Preparing for Ofsted: FE Colleges

For your Training & CPD requirements please contact us

Please email